================ Using asteval ================ This chapter gives a quick overview of asteval, showing basic usage and the most important features. Further details can be found in the next chapter (:ref:`asteval_api`). creating and using an asteval Interpreter ============================================= The asteval module is very easy to use. Import the module and create an Interpreter: >>> from asteval import Interpreter >>> aeval = Interpreter() and now you have an embedded interpreter for a procedural, mathematical language that is very much like python:: >>> aeval('x = sqrt(3)') >>> aeval('print(x)') 1.73205080757 >>> aeval('''for i in range(10): print(i, sqrt(i), log(1+1)) ''') 0 0.0 0.0 1 1.0 0.69314718056 2 1.41421356237 1.09861228867 3 1.73205080757 1.38629436112 4 2.0 1.60943791243 5 2.2360679775 1.79175946923 6 2.44948974278 1.94591014906 7 2.64575131106 2.07944154168 8 2.82842712475 2.19722457734 9 3.0 2.30258509299 accessing the symbol table ============================= The symbol table (that is, the mapping between variable and function names and the underlying objects) is a simple dictionary (by default, see :ref:`symtable_section` for details of an optional alternative) held in the :attr:`symtable` attribute of the interpreter, and can be read or written to:: >>> aeval('x = sqrt(3)') >>> aeval.symtable['x'] 1.73205080757 >>> aeval.symtable['y'] = 100 >>> aeval('print(y/8)') 12.5 Note here the use of true division even though the operands are integers. As with Python itself, valid symbol names must match the basic regular expression pattern:: valid_name = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* In addition, certain names are reserved in Python, and cannot be used within the asteval interpreter. These reserved words are: and, as, assert, async, await, break, class, continue, def, del, elif, else, eval, except, exec, execfile, finally, for, from, global, if, import, in, is, lambda, nonlocal, not, or, pass, print, raise, return, try, while, with, True, False, None, __import__, __package__ built-in functions ======================= At startup, many symbols are loaded into the symbol table from Python's builtins and the ``math`` module. The builtins include several basic Python functions: abs, all, any, bin, bool, bytearray, bytes, chr, complex, dict, dir, divmod, enumerate, filter, float, format, frozenset, hash, hex, id, int, isinstance, len, list, map, max, min, oct, ord, pow, range, repr, reversed, round, set, slice, sorted, str, sum, tuple, zip and a large number of named exceptions: ArithmeticError, AssertionError, AttributeError, BaseException, BufferError, BytesWarning, DeprecationWarning, EOFError, EnvironmentError, Exception, False, FloatingPointError, GeneratorExit, IOError, ImportError, ImportWarning, IndentationError, IndexError, KeyError, KeyboardInterrupt, LookupError, MemoryError, NameError, None, NotImplemented, NotImplementedError, OSError, OverflowError, ReferenceError, RuntimeError, RuntimeWarning, StopIteration, SyntaxError, SyntaxWarning, SystemError, SystemExit, True, TypeError, UnboundLocalError, UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeError, UnicodeTranslateError, UnicodeWarning, ValueError, Warning, ZeroDivisionError The symbols imported from Python's ``math`` module include: acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atan2, atanh, ceil, copysign, cos, cosh, degrees, e, exp, fabs, factorial, floor, fmod, frexp, fsum, hypot, isinf, isnan, ldexp, log, log10, log1p, modf, pi, pow, radians, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, trunc .. _numpy: https://numpy.org/ If available, a very large number (~350) additional symbols are imported from `numpy`_. conditionals and loops ========================== If-then-else blocks, for-loops (including the optional ``else`` block), while loops (also including optional ``else`` block), and with blocks are supported, and work exactly as they do in python. Thus: >>> code = """ sum = 0 for i in range(10): sum += i*sqrt(*1.0) if i % 4 == 0: sum = sum + 1 print("sum = ", sum) """ >>> aeval(code) sum = 114.049534067 comprehensions ================ list, dict, and set comprehension are supported, acting just as they do in Python. Generators, yield, and async programmming are not currently supported. printing =============== For printing, asteval emulates Python's native :func:`print` function. You can change where output is sent with the ``writer`` argument when creating the interpreter, or supreess printing all together with the ``no_print`` option. By default, outputs are sent to :py:data:`sys.stdout`. writing functions =================== User-defined functions can be written and executed, as in python with a ``def`` block, for example:: >>> from asteval import Interpreter >>> aeval = Interpreter() >>> code = """def func(a, b, norm=1.0): ... return (a + b)/norm ... """ >>> aeval(code) >>> aeval("func(1, 3, norm=10.0)") 0.4 exceptions =============== Asteval monitors and caches exceptions in the evaluated code. Brief error messages are printed (with Python's print function, and so using standard output by default), and the full set of exceptions is kept in the :attr:`error` attribute of the :class:`Interpreter` instance. This :attr:`error` attribute is a list of instances of the asteval :class:`ExceptionHolder` class, which is accessed through the :meth:`get_error` method. The :attr:`error` attribute is reset to an empty list at the beginning of each :meth:`eval`, so that errors are from only the most recent :meth:`eval`. Thus, to handle and re-raise exceptions from your Python code in a simple REPL loop, you'd want to do something similar to >>> from asteval import Interpreter >>> aeval = Interpreter() >>> while True: >>> inp_string = raw_input('dsl:>') >>> result = aeval(inp_string) >>> if len(aeval.error)>0: >>> for err in aeval.error: >>> print(err.get_error()) >>> else: >>> print(result)